Bridget Haltu

"Life is a mystery. The joy of it is finding how life fits in the grand scheme of things."

An eager scholar set free from her homeland to pursue her studies out in the field. Though knowledable about the basic information of the world, she lacks any real experience.However, that certainly won't stop her nature even if that means stumbling into things greater than her head. Who would ever stop in the face of adversity? Certainly nothing will stop her.

Bridget Haltu

Scholar ✧ Medic ✧ Red Mage ✧ Mystic KnightMid Twenties ✧ Female ✧ Demisexual ✧ Scholar

Bridget was the youngest in her family growing up. The Finchs were mostly farmers through and through, and their lineage of being farmers could mostly be tracked generations back. Bridget didn't mind being a farmer like her mother and father, though she didn't want follow that path if it wasn't her only choice. So eventually, with her partners permission, Bridget went to go learn at the Studium. Over the course of many moons studying, and fighting for her spot in the Studium she finally got accepted through a scholarship to learn there. So, with a smile and waving goodbye to her family she went off to go learn the wonders of the world.Bridget's time at the Studium was boring to most, but to her it excited her every second being there. She studied various topics about the world she had never seen, and wondered what all these places looked like in person. After studying at the Studium for six cycles, Bridget had gotten to the point of graduating from the Studium, and could become a full-fledge Archon. The only thing that stood in her way from the prestigious mark was her thesis. Bridget was unsure what to base her thesis off of, she could do it on the Fifth Astral Era, she could do it on the creations of the Primals. After thinking about it for many moons, she was unsure of what to do and thought maybe the thesis would come to her in the field. So, Bridget packed up her things, visited her parents and telling them about her plans, and finally headed out towards Eoreza.- - - Prologue - - -
In recent moons, she has somewhat discovered where she wishes to go to pursue her higher goal of being an Archon. This field being one that isn't documented too well in Sharlayan books that being Vermillion Magic, otherwise known as Red Magic. She currently is training her whole body to achieve the practice that is required for such a feat. It is likely going to be a road full of hardship as training the body, soul, and mind to perfection is a lot more than Bridget was initially expecting.
- - - Chapter 1: Found Family - - -
In the events following her training as a red mage, Bridget started to reach out to those who might be able to assist her in such endeavours. In doing so, Bridget stumbled into a small group of people. Over the time she spent with them, she grew a close bond with them. Eventually she started to call them her family. Ones that truly cared about her well being as well as her growth. Through their travels, Bridget with the assistance of others found a soul crystal of a Scholar. So, Bridget wanting to move away from more harmful ways of life, decided to train as a Scholar. So far, she has been traveling with them still attempting to heal parts of the world one bit at a time.
- - - Chapter 2: Findings in Unexpected places - - -
For a while Bridget had traveled around with the Azure Palace for a while, learning from them. There was many surprises along the way, and many lessons to be had for the young naïve scholar. However, her desire to help others and heal wounds kept her pressing on despite the many setbacks. However, there was something that was unexpected for the lass. That being love. Bridget hadn't considered herself a romantic, but very suddenly found herself intrigued at the idea at first. Though how it came about was due to the girls nature of helping others. Along, came Selene Sweetbriar and the girl with no fault of her own had swept the girl up in a passionate love. One that Bridget didn't anticpated. Though, she isn't one to complain about what found.
- - - Chapter 3: Guiding Light - - -
Things at the Azure Palace had been hard for Bridget as she made mistake after mistake. She had thought maybe things should go back before she showed up. That might've been the case without her guiding light in Selene. She had pulled Bridget out of her dark hole she started to dig herself in and show her what really matters in life. However, in the moment Bridget's eyes were still locked on one thing, and during the Rising. Bridget seemingly out of her usually character, got down and proposed to Selene. As she knew in her mind, never wanted that light to go out of her sight. Selene accepted the proposal as the two started plotting out what they plan to do next with the Azure Palace, and the future ahead.
- - - Chapter 4: Prosperous Bonds - - -
There were more bumps to be had along the way, but the love between the two continued to prosper. Though, Bridget eventually got the will to see her father again after almost eight years. It was a warm reunion as the two connected after so many cycles. Bridget also finally discovered what she wanted for her Thesis, to be a medical Archon that studies aetheric messages to souls recently passed to give them a chance to say goodbye. Though, finally after many weeks Bridget finally married Selene. The Archon Examination finally concluded as well, and Bridget became a full Archon. Currently resides as an Archon of Medicine.
- - - Chapter 5: Rocky Reception - - -
Throughout the calms of the Holidays she spent with Selene for the first time, there was a lingering issue in the air. Selene's tribe had a certain new Nunh and was causing trouble more and more with them. Eventually, R'Nawa declared that he wished to speak to the pair about certain matters. The two tentatively accepted, but knew that neither wanted this. During the meeting, Bridget discovered that her mother had secretly been helping R'Nawa with certain events. Enraged on Selene's behalf and wanting to protect her love, she clashed with R'Nawa. However, it came at a cost of Selene being injuried and Bridget being captured. She was eventually saved, though the event has somewhat scarred her. She is slowly healing from her wounds and trying to get back to who she was before. Though, some wounds are healing as she tries to pick up the pieces of the tribe with Selene. She can only hope that things can start to recover. Though, there still remains a looming shadow over her.
- - - Chapter 6: A Scholar's Descent - - -
Bridget's life has been tossed and thrown side to side as things are continued to be thrown her way. With encounters with her mother as well as dealing with nightmares of R'Nawa and being in captivity, Bridget psyche descends deeper and deeper. She attempts to hold it all together, though her rapid emotions give way to her lashing out towards others still being hurt by the world. With everything starting to become too much to bear, it has caused the lass to go deep into thought about where she is currently self-reflecting about a lot of things in her life and where she goes from here.
- - - Chapter 7: Crimson Dawn - - -
In the past two moons, Bridget has been on a journey of self-discovery and growth. She went back to her old roots as she picked with her red magic training again, and with the help of Senara, found the Crimson Duelist to train as one fully this time. She's been hard at work in learning how to fit into her new shoes. Though, that hasn't been the growth she has had the past two moons. Recently, moving down a new path, Bridget decided to join the Intrepid Coalition. Though she's slowly adapt to her environment, she has made herself a home with everyone and her new friends. She finally has started to get back onto her feet again after everything that happened.
- - - Chapter 8: Dawntrail - - -
Work in Progress

Full Name: Bridget Arlette Haltu
Race: Seeker of the Sun, Miqo'te
Age: 24
Pronouns: She/her
Orientation: Demi-Sexual
Relationship: Married to Selene Sweetbriar, Dating Arcene Orison
Occupation: Sharlayan Scholar, Medic, Red Mage, Mystic Knight
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 128 Ponzes
Build: Toned


Below are some hooks that can be used for starting any form of RP, but they are not the end all be all. There is always the option to discuss other hooks not listed here.Common

MedicBridget is a full fledge medic now after some moons of training with some field experience under her belt. Come to her if you have a wound or two that need treating either magically or the good old fashion way.AdventurerBridget has been trying to see more of the world after finishing her thesis and getting to know each area as she continues medical duties. She loves to see new places, but moreso to help new folks along the way.Book Smart, not Street SmartBridget is used to knowledge on a book and not the interaction intrigue of others. As a result she is unfamiliar how to navigate certain situation. She is still eager to learn regardless.


Sharlayan ScholarBridget grew up and learn in the city of Sharlayan. She is always open to talk about her the idea her thesis is based off of with her fellow scholars. Perhaps, she will even find answers to her thesis during these conversations.Archon of MedicineBridget has finally finished if not finished by the time you are reading this. She is a true Archon in medicine. Ask her all sorts of medicial related questions and she will try her best to solve the problem.Nymian ScholarBridget after finding a Scholar Soul Crystal, has started learning the arts of a Nymian Scholar. She still has a lot to learn, but she is certainly trying her best to shield the people she loves from the greater world. Though she doesn't have her crystal with her at the moment, she still very much can somewhat act as an effective Scholar with a minor change.Red MageBridget finally after hard work she has fully seen her training to the very end. She adorns herself in the garbs of a Crimson Duelist. Bridget now armmed with rapier and crystal focus in hand, she vows to make the world better for the common folk if you are in aid, and need help she would happily assist anyone in need of help.


NecromancerBridget had some development with magicks not fond by many of the Forum. However, she has since lost the ability to cast such magicks. However, what she still has is the insight and understanding of what the art truly was suppose to be compared to how the world sees it.InvokerBridget has a unqiue teaching she has been taught that mixes elements along with infusing it within the body. It is a different side of Summoning, but as a result it focuses moreso on the emotional balance with each element to better understand oneself as well as connect to nature as a whole.Mystic KnightSomewhat being the culimnation of Bridget's teachings so far with Invoking, Vermillion Magic, as well her style of fighting. Though unknown to her the Mystic Knights are a forgotten order of spellblades similar in style to Red Mages, but moreso their magic into runed blades. Though it is still very much new to her, everything has molded her into being the perfect shield to protect her friends.



Selene Sweetbrair - Selene is Bridget's guiding light as well as the love of her life. She has been there every step of her journey since she has entered it on that fateful day under that tree, and to the curb of Ul'dah. Bridget will make sure that her Starlight will shine bright for all to see with her bubbly and optimistic personality.Arcene Orien - Arcene and Bridget became quick friends and instant best friends at Intrepid Companions. Both of them were new blood, so their bond together has been firm and tight with one another. It's clear that Bridget and Arcene would do a lot for one another, and Bridget doesn't plan on having that change any other way. Though in recent days, their bond accidental turned into something more, but that doesn't change their dynamic they have with one another.Lheli - Lheli is someone Bridget has known for quite sometime now with her work as a manager to Selene's stardom. Lheli being Selene's designer meant the pair interacted quite frequently and she heard tales of the Heartbreaker. Though in recent moons Lheli has opened up more to Bridget being someone she can talk to about insecurties and her love life from time to time. She doesn't know if their dynamic will change, but for now she is content where they are.Senara Kavanagh - Senara was someone Bridget didn't really expect to have in her life, but loves her all the same. What ended up as her student, to working side by side from the same teacher. They care about each other extremely that likely they die for another.Kalrida Draigo - Kal has been Bridget's longest friend at this point. They are close and always watch each other's back. In recent moons Kal has been training as a Monk and Bridget has been trying her best to assist in her future growth.